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Policies and Procedures
Attendance Procedures Students returning from an absence must bring a note from home and get a re-admittance slip from the attendance office between 7:15 a.m and 7:53 a.m. Students who need to leave school early must also bring a note to the attendance office between 7:15 a.m and 7:53 a.m. Students are not allowed to leave campus without permission. Students found off campus between 8:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. are subject to a truancy citation of $75.00 to $325.00. California High School Exit Exam State law now requires that each student must pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) to receive a diploma and graduate from high school. This requires a score of 350 in language arts and 350 in mathematics. Students who do not achieve passing scores will not graduate. Special classes are available for eleventh and twelfth graders who have not yet passed. For more information, please contact the counseling office. Cell Phones Students may bring cell phones to school. However, cell phones may not be visible, turned on, or used during school hours. There are two reasons for this rule. First, to prevent classroom interruptions. Second, to prevent the theft of cell phones. To further reduce the risk of theft, we strongly recommend that students engrave their names on cell phones. Change of Address Parents are required to provide documentation for all address and phone number changes. Students who wish to report a change of address or phone number should bring a note from their parent and report to the attendance office as soon as the change has been made. Students who move out of the Gardena High School attendance area are eligible for continuing enrollment permits if grades, attendance, and conduct have been satisfactory. College/Career Center Our goal is for every student to become proficient in all subjects and fully prepared for college. The Gardena College/Career Center, located in room E-2, is open before school, during lunch, and after school to provide students with information about career options and college requirements. Students in their sophomore year should begin gathering information about colleges and sign up for the PSAT test. Juniors and seniors should continue gathering information about colleges and take the SAT tests. Students interested in a military career should take the ASVAB test. College is for everybody, and every student can prepare for college by working hard and taking the proper steps. For information, please call our College-Career Center at (310) 354-5049. Counseling Office Counselors are available to advise students about course selections, college choices, and scholarship applications. Students who wish to see a counselor should go to the counseling office before or after school and fill out a request form. The student will be summoned to the office as soon as possible by the counselor. Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities Students who participate in athletics or extracurricular performances must have a 2.00 grade point average on their most recent final or midterm report card. This is a district policy that has been implemented to ensure that students make academic achievement their first priority. Emergency Procedures In the event of a fire or earthquake, students will be evacuated to the athletic fields. A reunion gate will be established at the Normandie entrance to the campus. Parents must bring identification to retrieve students from school. A lockdown will be implemented if there is an emergency which requires students to remain in classrooms. In the event of a lockdown, students will be released only after the lockdown has ended. Health Office Students who wish to see the school nurse must obtain a written hall pass from their teacher. Students who need to take medicine at school must have parent and doctor's notes indicating the name of medicine, dosage, and time the medicine is to be taken. The school nurse may administer only minor first aid. If a student requires medical attention or needs to go home, the parent will be notified. An up-to-date emergency card must be on file for every student. Lost and Found The lost and found is located in the textbook room. Students should get a pass from their teacher before going to the lost and found. Make-Up Work Parents should call the counseling office so that home assignments may be arranged for any absence that will exceed three days. Students are responsible for making up all assignments missed because of illness. Parking Regulations Students who drive to school must register with Mr. Johnson, assistant principal, to obtain a parking sticker. This requires a driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. Students may park in the student parking lot only. The speed limit in the parking lot is five miles per hour. Parent Participation in School Governance Parents may participate in school governance by serving on our Shared Decision Making Council, School Site Council, Compensatory Education Advisory Council, or English Learners Advisory Council. These councils meet once a month to make decisions on school policies and budgets. We will have an orientation meeting to discuss the roles of these councils on September 27, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. We will have an election meeting to elect parents to these councils on October 11, 2007 at 6:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Progress Reports and Report Cards Progress reports are mailed home after the fifth and fifteenth week of each semester. Report cards are mailed home after the tenth and twentieth week of each semester. Satisfactory grades are "A", "B", and "C". A grade of "D" indicates passing, but needs improvement. A grade of "F" indicates not passing. Please call the school and ask for your child's teacher whenever a grade is less than satisfactory. Student Store The student store is open before school, during nutrition and lunch, and after school. Items sold include school supplies, P.E. clothes, yearbooks, tickets to games and dances, and MTA bus passes. Textbooks The Los Angeles Unified School District requires that students in English, foreign language, health, mathematics, science, and social studies must be issued textbooks to take home. Teachers also keep textbooks in their classrooms for use by students during class time. The average textbook costs $65.00. Students are required to pay for any books that are lost or damaged. Please call your child's teacher if you have any questions regarding textbooks. Title I Title 1 is a federally funded program which addresses obstacles to academic performance such as low reading and mathematics scores. The Title 1 program currently provides two computer labs that assist students in reading comprehension, writing, and mathematics. Two mobile computer stations with laptop computers are also available so that computers may be brought to classrooms. Assistance is provided to help students prepare for the California High School Exit Exam, the ACT test, and the SAT test. The Title I program also provides after-school tutoring. The Federal Lunch Application plays a key role in the funding our school receives each school year. The larger the number of qualifying applications submitted, the more funding the school receives for the Title 1 program. Students who qualify for Title I services are also eligible for free registration to take the SAT and ACT tests. Tutoring After-school tutoring is available Mondays through Thursdays in the Title I computer lab, room B-10. Tutoring is provided for all subjects. Withdrawing from School A student who is withdrawing from school must be accompanied by a parent to the attendance office. All books must be turned in, and any charges must be paid. Failure to return or pay for books will result in the withholding of official transcripts. |
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© Copyright Gardena High School 1301 West 182nd Street Gardena, CA 90248 Tel: (310) 354-5000 • Fax: (310) 366-6943 |
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